Friday, February 25, 2011

Secure Sockets Layer

It is a security that is commonly used.


It is like a RSS.


It is database of information.


It is when an image or video is protected under law.

boolean Logic

It is a complete system of logical operations.


It is where you post information about anything you want people to know.


It is a website that allows east creation and editing of interlinked web pages.


It is software that is accessed through the internet.


It is a collection of related web pages, images, videos, etc.

Web Cache

It is used to reduce reduce bandwith.

Web 2.0

It is the next generation of the internet and the changes are how people interact with the internet.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

It is an address on the world wide web.

Social Networking Site

It is where place where you create a profile and you get to interact with other people like facebook.

Really Simple Syndication(RSS)

It allows you yo read postings of a blog or newspaper and many others in one place.


It is science fiction thing that connects to another dimension.


It is where a person speaks about a subject and has no video and is on the internet.


It was a web browser credited for make the world wide web popular.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Internet Service Provider(ISP)

It is when a company gives you access to the internet.

Internet Protocol(IP) Address

It a number that that is assigned to each device in a network.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP)

It is to transfer hypertext requests and information between servers.

Hypertext Makeup Language(MTML)

It is a set of tags and rules used ing hypertext documents.

Home Page

Its when a you open a website and that will be the websites homepage.


It is to come to a sudden contact.

Geographic Imaging

It is a program to see the terrain of a certain location in a first person view.

File Transfer Protocol(FTP)

It allows users to copy files between local networks.


It is use in the URL right after www. .

Digital Certificate

It is an electronic way of a person or a corporation.


Its is a small piece of text that is store on the users computer by the web browser and contains a piece of information.


It is a computer that sends a specific request to the server.


It is a framework for defining reusable software components in the programming language that performs a particular function.

Friday, February 18, 2011


It is a self-replicating malware and spreads in nodes.


It is a computer program that can infect the computer.

Urban Legend

It is a myth that people might think is real.

Trojan Horse

It is a non-self replicating malware.

Time Bomb

It is an explosive that has a time before it donates.


It is a live exchange of information.


It is a format code in a document language.

RDF Summary

It was a format that was use in Netscape.

Pyramid Schemes

It is fraud based on recruiting on increasing number investors.


 Its is way get ting information like usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers.


It is a social conventions that interact over networks.

Logic Bomb

It is a piece of code that is intentionally add to a software that will set off a malicious function.


It is message that is usally sent in from of an e-mail telling the user of a fictional virus threat.


It is when an unauthorized person uses your credit card.


It is use to narrow down your search.

Windows Mail

It is a news client and an e-mail that is included in windows vista.

User Agent

Its is client application that implements the network protocols.

Text Messaging

It is message that is sent from a cellphone.


It is an e-mail that is sent to you that is an advertisement.


It is used at the end of an email that usually has your name.


It is a formatted unit that carries data.

Mailing List

It is list of addresses to send mail.

Instant Messaging

Its is way of communication like text but uses the internet a system is AIM.